Friday, May 25, 2012

The Cellar Spirits! - Designing A Wine Cellar

Innovative home ideas that cater to your demands and interests are definitely great ventures to embark upon. A home wine cellar not only nurtures your passion for this perennially loved liquor, but also intensifies the worth of your house. Designing and making your very own wine cellar would add in to nurture your vintage collection without destroying its quality and taste. A wine cellar shall make a salient and remarkable feature of your haven.

Designing a cellar usually starts off with basic planning. Basic plans for wine cellars tend to use quality woods, such as oak, to construct shelving units for your wine bottles. You might order custom made shelving units designed to hold the wine properly. If you have an expensive collection, you should probably bring in the experts to save you a lot of frustration and keep from ruining your collection.

You'll need to construct the room your wine cellar will be held in, which will require such materials as drywall, insulation and wiring. Depending on the location of your wine cellar, you might also need flooring and other materials. Make sure you have durable and strong flooring system as this will support the overall weight of your wine collection as well as the furniture, appliances and equipment needed for the wine storage. The floor must be resistant to moisture and strong materials must be considered such as hardwood, tiles, stones and slates among others. It is also important to install vapor barriers with matching sealant that goes with your flooring materials to avoid heat flow inside the room.

The cooling system is a very functional and important component that you must ensure in transforming your basement to an appropriate venue for your wine collection. For instance, an ordinary AC unit would not be workable and complementary for this purpose. Make sure you have the budget especially in availing a good split system which is ideal for wine cellars. This is because this system helps in the regulation and insulation of the room as well as matches the size and heat load in the area.

All wine cellars need to have a controlled temperature, between 50 and 60 degrees Fahrenheit. This is the ideal temperature for wines, both red and white, to age in. If your wine cellar temperature varies too widely or is too cold or warm, your wines may spoil or not age properly. Wine cellars must also have a controlled humidity level. The humidity of the natural caves and wine cellars where wine is aged tends to be around 70 percent, so you'll want your own wine cellar to maintain this level. In order to achieve these traits, you'll need to have both a humidifier and a cooling unit, so that you can be sure to have your wine at its optimum condition.

Another valuable and indispensable component is the lighting fixture although you have to take extra caution in this one. Lighting may potentially damage and distort the taste and quality of your wine but you certainly need it inside the room. The best way to do this is to select much dimmer lights as not to distract the aging process of your collection. It is also a good thing that there are innovative lighting ideas which come up with specially designed lights which are specifically used for wine cellars.

Whipping up a wine cellar for your home can be an enjoyable and an interesting experience. Having a wine cellar indeed, adds a magnificent touch to your home.


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